Well W3BL was hacked, but thankfully i'm pro and had everything backed up! I am leaving tomorrow as in Saturday so this migh tbe my last post. As you saw before there is a new admin team that will be working with this league, Vello will be heading the league with J.J. and MinM helping him a lot. There is updating to be done, but i jstu havent had the time, so im hoping that J.J. and MinM can get around to it. There might be a one more week break due to the hacking, some stuff was deleted and i really honestly just don't have the time to re-do a lot of it.
Couple things i would like to point out to everyone, vVv Gaming will NOT be banned. The team had nothing to do with what happened, as it was shiKaka and Pride. Both people have been removed from the team and will be dealt with (a big reason for me stepping down). I am not very fond of some manners that have been flaring in this league. This league has too much potential for little immature kiddies to ruin it.
Match statements will not be needed for the rest of the season, most teams have been forgetting and it has proven to be to big of a hassle. PP's will be deleted as i believe MinM has already started to do that. Everything else will stay in effect and the league will continue the same.
Your new admin team:
All information has been posted under the admin info section. Any questions, please feel free to ask them, thanks! I wish everyone good luck and hope all goes well.